Why Global warming is a croc.

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2006
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Why Global warming is a croc.

Post by peter » Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:07 pm

A meeting with Genesis Energy last week revealed they use New Zealand's coal
stocks as a buffer against overseas gas and oil prices. In the event Huntly
coal is required for power generation, an exemption for Carbon Tax is


Remember, this is the same energy industry that has two "deadlines" for the
new transmission line, 2010 and 2012, determined by two different


Bill Rehm

Why Global warming is a croc.

Post by Bill Rehm » Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:10 pm

Now Glenn, you don't want to go and spread political oriented messages
on the list.

If you do you might end up, as I did a while back, when my message
regarding the misguided, poorly planned, and pathetic effort of list
members who decided to sign the "petrol tax" letter, some how never
appeared on the list for distribution. Strange that ...

If Io recall, it resulted in exactly what I predicted would happen in my
"un-distributed" message: nothing more than an exercise in "intellectual

Yours faithfully


Bill Rehm

Why Global warming is a croc.

Post by Bill Rehm » Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:10 pm

Now Glenn, you don't want to go and spread political oriented messages
on the list.

If you do you might end up, as I did a while back, when my message
regarding the misguided, poorly planned, and pathetic effort of list
members who decided to sign the "petrol tax" letter, some how never
appeared on the list for distribution. Strange that ...

If Io recall, it resulted in exactly what I predicted would happen in my
"un-distributed" message: nothing more than an exercise in "intellectual

Yours faithfully



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