Gas gobbler? Ajax

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2004
Gary Morrison
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Gas gobbler? Ajax

Post by Gary Morrison » Thu Mar 04, 2004 10:04 am

I seem to recall this type of action being suggested on the Miata Power list a few years back. In particular Skip Cannon mentioned that one of the things he had tried to get his Total Seal rings to seat was a small amount of "Bon Ami" which is I believe an abrasive cleaner similar to Ajax. So the advice may not be that odd.

On Wed, 3 Mar 2004 21:28:06 +1300, Wayne wrote:

This character Robin that recommends using Ajax to give the bore a hone,
does he do motor overhauls? If so he probably drives a Porsche and can well
afford to do so, giving advice like that. Ask him to show you how to do it
on HIS car. No Ajax hones for this Kid.

I would suggest that a modern motor with excess 'bore wash' would take
several thousand Kms to do any significant damage, but still excess fuel
that contaminates the oil is not good and will be wearing the bore at a
faster rate than normal. Lets face it 50's and 60's cars consumed more fuel
than they burnt and some of them reached in excess of 100,000 miles and only
needed two or three valve grinds, 10 or so exhaust systems and then only
probably needed a re-ring for another 100.

Wayne Sinclair

Lou Girardin

Gas gobbler? Ajax

Post by Lou Girardin » Thu Mar 04, 2004 12:36 pm

Anything abrasive will get past the rings and wear seals, oil pump, ring
grooves, valve guides, etc. Why do you think the makers fit air filters?
But, if you want to try it, feel free.

Lou Girardin

Gas gobbler? Ajax

Post by Lou Girardin » Thu Mar 04, 2004 12:36 pm

Anything abrasive will get past the rings and wear seals, oil pump, ring
grooves, valve guides, etc. Why do you think the makers fit air filters?
But, if you want to try it, feel free.

Xandros Desktop OS User

Gas gobbler? Ajax

Post by Xandros Desktop OS User » Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:03 pm

Lou Girardin wrote:


Xandros Desktop OS User

Gas gobbler? Ajax

Post by Xandros Desktop OS User » Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:03 pm

Lou Girardin wrote:



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