MX5 tip for the day - Buying Milk

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2002
Black is the new black.
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MX5 tip for the day - Buying Milk

Post by zorruno » Thu Jul 25, 2002 8:27 pm

MX5 Tips

1. Buy Tararua 1 Litre milk. The plastic containers fit perfectly in the ash
tray & therefore withstand lateral G forces quite well.

2. I personally don't like to buy milk from a service station - they are
too close to our house. I find the best place to buy milk is usually about
30kms away from your house.

shaznandy lockyer

MX5 tip for the day - Buying Milk

Post by shaznandy lockyer » Fri Jul 26, 2002 5:36 pm

I'm going out for milk, dear...I'll be back in oooh, an hour...
zorruno <> wrote: MX5 Tips

1. Buy Tararua 1 Litre milk. The plastic containers fit perfectly in the ash
tray & therefore withstand lateral G forces quite well.

2. I personally don't like to buy milk from a service station - they are
too close to our house. I find the best place to buy milk is usually about
30kms away from your house.

Chrissy & Tony Hoys

MX5 tip for the day - Buying Milk

Post by Chrissy & Tony Hoys » Sat Jul 27, 2002 6:18 am

I have actually done that (and I am "the old dear") went to the supermarket
for milk and arrived home nearly an hour later! I just love the drive, like
an addiction really isn't it?



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