Zipper problems

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2002
Bill Rehm

Zipper problems

Post by Bill Rehm » Sun Apr 14, 2002 2:55 pm

For some unexplainable reason with the clear window zipped up, the two
sides have "separated' in one small spot preventing me from unzipping the
clear window open and thus forcing me to keep it zippered at all times and
also forcing me to fold the clear plastic window when I put the top down.
Any ideas on how to get this on track again without going out and
purchasing a whole new zipper, clear window, top, etc? I've tried to unzip
it with force to force it past the separated section but with no success.

Mark Roberts

Zipper problems

Post by Mark Roberts » Sun Apr 14, 2002 3:48 pm

Yeah. From here on it's just how long you will put up with it until
you replace the whole roof. Three years so far for me.


Mike Saint

Zipper problems

Post by Mike Saint » Sun Apr 14, 2002 7:56 pm


You can take the metal staple thing off both ends of the zip. (Make a mark
on the zip so you know where both halves line up).

Some windows & tops have a little nick in the top middle of the zip to line
everything up.

Run the zipper off the zipped up end.

Manually separate the zipped up part of the window. It will just pull

Take the zipper and (very gently) squeeze it with a pair of pliers to make
it hold the zip a bit tighter and stop it separating when you zip it up.

Line up the two halves of the zip and put the zipper back on and zip it up.

Put the staples back in.

If you take all the 10mm nuts off the metal rail and remove the three bits,
you will be able to better access the bottom of both sides of the zip.

I did this about a year ago and have had no problems since.

Actually, I'm swapping the glass rear window from my Miata into my new MX5
this morning. I'll be able to follow my own instructions :)



Zipper problems

Post by mandbstanley » Sun Apr 14, 2002 8:05 pm

That happened to my zip a couple of years ago. My daughter had been using
the car at the time and felt guilty about returning the car to me in that
condition. She went down to the local car upholster/trimmer to see what
could be done. He fixed it in about 1 minute for no charge. I don't know
what he did because my daughter took the car in, but it was a big relief to
both of us.
Have you tried calling on your local auto upholsterer for his advice?
Also wasn't there a bit of chatter on the list a few weeks back about gently
squeezing the zip traveller with pliers to tighten up the nip to stop this
sort of thing happening?

Murray Stanley


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