E Type Jag

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2001
Matt Gunn

E Type Jag

Post by Matt Gunn » Tue May 15, 2001 1:41 am

Hi Murray

Missing your overtaking classes down south.
My WOF comes up every 6 months , how does your mate have 1600km to his next
warrant ?. Is this an average km's per day type thingy ?.

Would one broken spoke make the wheel dangerous , maybe not , but just like
a push bike , there's every chance a broken spoke will cause some buckling.
Id get it fixed. What's worth more a spoke or your safety.

At 10:48 am 15/05/2001 +1200, you wrote:
Can it wait until the next WOF ( about 1,600 km away), or should he
have it attended to immediately? Cheers,
Murray Stanley UK3068
Matt Gunn - Newstalk ZB Presenter

Office (03) 4740-260
Fax (03) 477 9900
Mobile (025) 221 5360
E-Mail matt@theradionetwork.co.nz


E Type Jag

Post by STANLEY, Murray » Tue May 15, 2001 10:48 am

A person at work has a 69 E Type Jag Roadster (a poor substitute for genuine
sportscar), and it has a broken rear wheel spoke. Are there any wire wheel
experts out there who can advise us as to how serious this is? Can it wait
until the next WOF ( about 1,600 km away), or should he have it attended to

Murray Stanley UK3068


E Type Jag

Post by Ray » Tue May 15, 2001 11:21 am

as i have owned 16 E Types from 3.8 to 5.3 V12's, i dont quite know how to take your
comments on "a poor substitute for genuine sportscar" i wonder how many E types you
have owned,
your person at work is quite safe as long as none of the others are NOT loose, he
could always put the spare on as it should be another wire wheel! you couldn't buy
a 69 E Type without wire wheels, the wheel will not collapse, they are easy to change
and tension with the correct tension key, and he can safely do ONE himself, if there
are a whole bunch loose he will need a wire wheel specialist as his car will still
do 140mph, something an MX5 wont do, hope this is of help
Ray :-)



E Type Jag

Post by rossandmeg » Tue May 15, 2001 12:36 pm

E Type JagI have a very nice 1990 import at a reasonable price for sale
!!! lol


E Type Jag

Post by STANLEY, Murray » Wed May 16, 2001 10:51 am

Hi Matt,
Good to hear from you.
My colleague with the E Type only takes it out of the garage on Sundays and
has some kind of systematic driving routine that enables him to estimate the
kms until the next 6 monthly WOF.
You and the team down south will be pleased to know that now that I am up at
Taupo I have turned over a new leaf and am restraining my overtaking
adventures somewhat. Possibly that's because I haven't made contact with
the local Taupo MX5 drivers yet although there seem to be quite a few cars
around town. There is also a lot more traffic (and traffic cops) on these
North Island roads which tends to make passing a bit of a futile effort.



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