Photos of Northern Xmas function in Raglan

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2003
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Photos of Northern Xmas function in Raglan

Post by zorruno » Wed Jan 15, 2003 9:14 am

For anyone that is interested, Caspar Lourens (MX5 enthusiast who was over from Holland and was at the Northern Xmas event in Raglan last month) took lots of photos from the day & has posted them on his server. It will probably be a while before I put any on the club site, due to my present workload.

As with all MX5 enthusiasts, lots of car photos - not many of people ;)

I'm not sure whether any of you saw his camera - I know Chic drooled a bit when he saw it! Canon EOS D60 I believe. Most of the pics are in the gallery at 1536 x 1020, so there may be a nice one of your car to print out.

There are lots of other nice photos he took of NZ there also (apparently he took a few thousand whilst he was here for a couple of months), and I'm sure he won't mind you having a look around.


Caspar Lourens

Photos of Northern Xmas function in Raglan

Post by Caspar Lourens » Wed Jan 15, 2003 10:52 am

Hi kiwi's,

It was a very nice time I had in New Zealand, and I really did enjoy the
X-mas event. Especially the drive back, in Denise's car, because I could
drive myself !!! ;-)

I took around 4.500 photo's, in 2 months time, and posted around 3.500 of
them on my web-site. The camera is indeed a Canon D60, and a very
wonderful camera it is. All the photo's have been down-graded to 75% of
the original size, for seed purposes. I will create a CD for zorruno
containing the originals from the X-mas event, so when you see a photo you
like, just send me an e-mail and tell me the name of the photo and the
date it was taken, and I will try to include it on the CD.

So, please do take a look around. I've got currently in total around 9.500
photo's online, and will keep on posting new photo's. Especially photo's
from events of the Dutch MX-5 Owners club.

Keep in mind, however, that my server is connected via an ADSL line to the
internet, and it can be that some people are already browsing the photo's.
Just wait if the connection is slow, and try again. Oh, and sometimes I
switch off the server, because it is located in the same room as my bed is
located in. Otherwise it is very difficult to get some sleep. And the
time-difference between Holland and New Zealand is around 12 hours, so I
let you people do the calculating ;-)

Thanx again, and maybe see you some time around,

Caspar Lourens (You know, like the friendly ghost... ;-) ).



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