vent rings

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2000

vent rings

Post by Debra » Mon Jun 05, 2000 4:34 pm

Does anybody know how to get the vent rings off the air vent? I can pull it out of the dash but not sure on how to remove the ring from the rest of it. It has heaps of clips but hard to get it off and I don't want to crack it.
Any tips?


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vent rings

Post by zorruno » Mon Jun 05, 2000 5:08 pm

Just yanking them out worked for me, but mind you don't scratch anything.
There is an excellent writeup showing a couple of methods with pics to be
found here

Good luck


vent rings

Post by RAY » Mon Jun 05, 2000 5:21 pm

you can use a piece of wire with a hook on it it is only the spring
clips holding them
if you plan on removing the panel the two centre vents sit in there are
two screws hidden inside at the top


Ray :-)

Fletcher Blades

vent rings

Post by Fletcher Blades » Mon Jun 05, 2000 6:02 pm


I removes mine some time ago, as I was experimenting (unsuccesfully) with
painting them.

They just unclip, as you suspect. I used several small flat-blade
screwdrivers to hold some clips open while I unclipped the rest.

I didnt have any trouble with cracking/breaking the rings, but experience
with other parts of the dash show that the plastic does become brittle after
years of exposure to the sun, so this is a valid concern.

Good Luck,



vent rings

Post by RAY » Mon Jun 05, 2000 6:04 pm

the vent rings have four tiny plastic clips that hold it in place they
are very difficult to remove without damaging the rings as they will not
give when pushed in, you could try warming them in water then trying to
prise them off at each clip with a screwdriver inserted between the ring
and vent, why do you need to remove them? are you replacing them with
another type?


Ray :-)


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