Importing your own

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2004
Bill Rehm

Importing your own

Post by Bill Rehm » Mon Mar 22, 2004 9:34 am

zorruno brought up an interesting thought.

Has anyone on the list gone through the effort of importing an MX5 from
Japan? Does anyone on the list know someone who could do this for less
than the used car dealer price?

Any one have any ideas on how to go about doing it?



Importing your own

Post by Keith » Mon Mar 22, 2004 10:09 am

Thinking of organising a club buy-up?
Great idea.

Bill Rehm

Importing your own

Post by Bill Rehm » Mon Mar 22, 2004 10:16 am

No, but sometimes these email chains do take on a life of their own
don't they? ;)

Regardless, I would still be interested in anyone sharing knowledge or


Philip Lee

Importing your own

Post by Philip Lee » Mon Mar 22, 2004 12:11 pm

I know the process to buy cars in Japan & shipping to overseas (as I just
bought a MX5 this way). Not sure about importing to NZ tho as I live in




From: [] On Behalf Of
Bill Rehm
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 8:17 AM
To: 'MX5List'
Subject: RE: Importing your own

No, but sometimes these email chains do take on a life of their own don't
they? ;)

Regardless, I would still be interested in anyone sharing knowledge or



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Greg McBain

Importing your own

Post by Greg McBain » Mon Mar 22, 2004 7:56 pm

Hi, folks

To respond to the two themes in here thus far ...

Anniversary editions - what Tim & zorruno say accords with my understanding
on specs for the Anniversary. Re pricing - I've been monitoring Series 2
prices quite closely for the last few months - the only two Anniversary
Editions that I've seen in the Auckland area are
1) a nice one with 37k on the clock, no hard top or ABS at Ellis Utting -
asking $27k &
2) a not-quite-so-tidy one just in from Japan with hardtop, no ABS - went
for very close to the asking price of $23k from Just Right cars. Had 51k on
the clock.

On importing one directly ... am also working on this now too. I'm
working with a dealer here in Auckland to find a original condition RS spec.
No joy so far ... You need to be careful to find a dealer that you can
trust - understanding of course that they are in it for the business.
Generally it'll work on a "costs plus fixed margin" - & the fixed margin
will be lower than normal as it's a guaranteed sale. Costs include the
auction price, agent's fees, shipping to NZ, clearance, compliancing in NZ,
GST on all that, plus dealer margin. You should specify the standard car
you're after - generally a 4 or better on the grading system should be
pretty good (understanding that there are differences in the systems - most
are out of 5 with 5 being showroom new).

Advantages are that you get to chose your car from what's going through the
auction site(s) used by your dealer plus price should be lower.

Disadvantages are that you're buying sight unseen & transport damage is
always a possibility. Plus there's the wait of 4 weeks or so in transit,
plus however long it takes to find the car you're after. You also need to
watch the yen / $NZ cross rate - we're at historically strong levels now,
however slipping a little over the last week or so from 72 to 70-ish to the
$NZ. You may also need to be prepared to make a decision quickly about
bidding for a particular car plus how much you'll bid to.

Hope this helps ...


Chrissy and Tony Hoys

Importing your own

Post by Chrissy and Tony Hoys » Mon Mar 22, 2004 8:11 pm

Hi Greg
How do you know the one at Ellis Utting has no ABS? Have you seen it, what
did you think, I am interested in buying it


Importing your own

Post by nmr » Mon Mar 22, 2004 10:17 pm

Costs include the
auction price, agent's fees, shipping to NZ, clearance, compliancing in NZ,
GST on all that, plus dealer margin. You should specify the standard car
I'm confused, it's second hand, whch means no Gst - ?


Importing your own

Post by Glenn » Mon Mar 22, 2004 10:36 pm

its easy to do ive got parts and cars coming in all the time my brother
has his own customs clearing businese hes cheap i can probably source
the car you want .my contacts only deal in mazdas,you can contact me at
rotarypower ltd 09 4435762 attn glenn munro

Bill Rehm

Importing your own

Post by Bill Rehm » Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:00 am

Thanks Glenn. I'll keep you in mind if I decide to attempt this.


Gary Morrison
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Importing your own

Post by Gary Morrison » Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:36 am

One pitfall when you are having a car bought at auction... the local dealer will tell you what he thinks the car will sell for in Japan, and you will do your figures based on that. He will then ask you how high you would be prepared to have the bid go so he can set a maximum bid. You will find that the auction goes very close to your maximum bid. (In reality who knows what it actually sold for, but he's after every dollar he can get, he is not your friend)


On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 19:56:15 +1200, Greg McBain wrote:

Hi, folks

To respond to the two themes in here thus far ...

Anniversary editions - what Tim & zorruno say accords with my understanding
on specs for the Anniversary. Re pricing - I've been monitoring Series 2
prices quite closely for the last few months - the only two Anniversary
Editions that I've seen in the Auckland area are
1) a nice one with 37k on the clock, no hard top or ABS at Ellis Utting -
asking $27k &
2) a not-quite-so-tidy one just in from Japan with hardtop, no ABS - went
for very close to the asking price of $23k from Just Right cars. Had 51k on
the clock.

On importing one directly ... am also working on this now too. I'm
working with a dealer here in Auckland to find a original condition RS spec.
No joy so far ... You need to be careful to find a dealer that you can
trust - understanding of course that they are in it for the business.
Generally it'll work on a "costs plus fixed margin" - & the fixed margin
will be lower than normal as it's a guaranteed sale. Costs include the
auction price, agent's fees, shipping to NZ, clearance, compliancing in NZ,
GST on all that, plus dealer margin. You should specify the standard car
you're after - generally a 4 or better on the grading system should be
pretty good (understanding that there are differences in the systems - most
are out of 5 with 5 being showroom new).

Advantages are that you get to chose your car from what's going through the
auction site(s) used by your dealer plus price should be lower.

Disadvantages are that you're buying sight unseen & transport damage is
always a possibility. Plus there's the wait of 4 weeks or so in transit,
plus however long it takes to find the car you're after. You also need to
watch the yen / $NZ cross rate - we're at historically strong levels now,
however slipping a little over the last week or so from 72 to 70-ish to the
$NZ. You may also need to be prepared to make a decision quickly about
bidding for a particular car plus how much you'll bid to.

Hope this helps ...


From Fri Apr 27 18:13:37 2007
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Subject: RE: Importing your own
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 11:12:48 +1200
Thread-Topic: Importing your own
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A friend of mine just imported a Mazda RX7. He highlighted a couple of
things to look out for.

He had been sent pictures etc of the car to help him decide how much to

When the car arrived he found the nice new 18" alloys had been replaced
with 14" steel wheels (not a good look). He was told that this happened
'post auction' and that there was nothing they could do to help.

Also a picture isn't always that accurate esp when taken in bad light.
The cars paint was not in as good condition as he thought, and the
classy dark red leather interior was in fact bright (and I mean BRIGHT)
red (the car's white).

Simon Lord
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Importing your own

Post by Simon Lord » Tue Mar 23, 2004 11:48 am

Nigel Liddicoat down in Hamilton imported two MX5's a couple of years ago, one
of which he kept and the other he sold to me - I'm sure he made a respectable
profit but I have been very pleased with mine and didn't pay over the odds for
it. There was some damage on one wing but it was very well repaired here and
the unusual colour properly matched. If anyone is thinking of importing, I'd
be happy to put them in touch with Nigel and he might be able to advise on the
pro's and con's.

Simon H Lord
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Importing your own

Post by EricW » Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:33 pm

Unfortunately, everything imported into NZ, by way of trade, attracts GST,
everything sold or any services provided in New Zealand, in a commercial
setting, attract GST. When your car is cleared, complianced, warranted,
registered, insured or filled up with it's first tank of gas, it all
attracts GST.

Only second hand car sales between private persons are exempt. But the car
has crossed the border at some point, so will have been hit with GST at that

A imported car might be on it's second, third or fourth retail owner, but it
is "new" to New Zealand. Let's face it, even a "new" MX5 has been owned by
Mazda in Japan, Mazda in New Zealand and the Mazda Dealer, before he sells
it to you, there really is no difference.

Basically, you will, at the border, pay GST on the "Customs Landed Value"
which includes the purchase price in Japan, commissions, shipping, and Port
Charges. That gets the car across the border. You will then pay, and be
charged GST on, MAF Inspections, Compliance and all of the other things
necessary to put the car on the road.

Don't be put off by this, every car imported into NZ has been hit with the
same fees, so you are still on a level playing field, but it comes as a
shock if you have not budgetted for it.

Here is a suggestion to overcome GST! Work out, as a percentage of your
total income, how much Direct Tax and GST you pay in a week. After you have
become suicidal, there will be so many "deceased estate" MX5s on the market,
the necessity to import one will not arise! (Vehicles purchased privately
don't attract GST, so those of us surviving will be OK)

I think they call that "Gallows Humour"



Lou Girardin

Importing your own

Post by Lou Girardin » Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:48 am

Only items over $NZ400.


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