Site exploitation???

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2003
Bill Rehm

Site exploitation???

Post by Bill Rehm » Mon Nov 17, 2003 6:40 am


I'm sorry but I'm expressing my views on this one. We all know you are a
great resource for MX5 parts, accessories, etc. and I have no doubt that I
would contact you (and in fact have) when I require something for my MX5.

HOWEVER, as per your message below you are using this site as your own
marketing vehicle. I personally find that to be unethical and
inappropriate. In this case it is vividly clear, the information is
available free on the club site (something I suspect a long time member
like you knew), and yet you are first out of the block promoting your
product and services.

Sorry mate, I don't care what anyone else thinks, but I believe that if you
want to "benefit and serve" MX5 owners and still promote your business, you
should be limited to the same avenues available to other suppliers: your
reputation for delivering quality, service and member discounts.


lou Girardin

Site exploitation???

Post by lou Girardin » Mon Nov 17, 2003 8:11 am

I have to disagree Bill, Ross is a long term member and supplies parts at
prices far better than other used parts dealers. He is as much a service to us
as he is to himself.

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Site exploitation???

Post by EricW » Mon Nov 17, 2003 8:36 am

I have to agree with Lou, if someone in the club needs something and, as in
this case, is coming to the list to find it, I think it is totally legitimate
for Ross to advise that person that he is able to supply it.

Ross makes a buck, true, but given what he has invested in supporting the MX
5, that is legitimate too, and Peter has his fuse sticker. Has anyone lost
anything here?



Bill Rehm

Site exploitation???

Post by Bill Rehm » Mon Nov 17, 2003 8:42 am


Then let others recommend him, not use the site for self-promotion.

Don't get me wrong, based on my dealings with Ross I would personally
recommend him and agree with your comments about him --- that's not the

Self promotion is the issue -- that's what I'm saying.


Chic & Morven

Site exploitation???

Post by Chic & Morven » Mon Nov 17, 2003 9:12 am

Sorry Bill,
you do have a valid point and normally I would agree with you, but in this
I don't for two reasons. The first is that Ross is a club sponsor, he has paid
money to the club, so why should he 'be limited to the same avenues available
other suppliers' .

Also, for some products, where there are several suppliers on this list, I do
think it's inappropriate for one to push his product when the others refrain
from doing so. In Ross's case there are no 'other suppliers' in New Zealand, I
think it's totally appropriate for him to let people know that he has the
product they are looking for, especially when it's as obscure as a translation
sticker for fuses.

It's not as though Ross pushes his products all the time. For example I notice
that he sells NGK spark leads for $90, but he didn't 'advertise' on the list
when we were debating the prices recently.

It's possibly he didn't stock them until the discussion brought them to his
attention, but either way, he is providing a invaluable service to New Zealand
MX5 owners.

In my opinion, he should be encouraged not discouraged.

But that's just my opinion.


Chic & Morven, on 17/11/2003

ross campbell

Site exploitation???

Post by ross campbell » Mon Nov 17, 2003 9:35 am

Hi All; I dont normally reply to posts on here for people wanting items as
I send them a private answer.I thought sooner or later someone would take
offence.If people want something and you can provide it whats the problem.I
have seen other people promoting goods or services here and I think thats
fine because at the end of the day their querie is satisfied.Maybe next
time someone else could point out what I have to offer.Thanks for the
'plug' on the lead sets Chic. Ross.PS; Maybe you could remove the Kase
consulting advertising under your email Bill.

Bill Rehm

Site exploitation???

Post by Bill Rehm » Mon Nov 17, 2003 1:29 pm

Sorry Chic but I don't see other "sponsors" promoting themselves on tires,
new tops, etc.

Again, all I am saying is that any supplier, including sponsors should
compete on a level playing field based on member references, etc NOT self
promotion. Because someone doesn't self-promote themselves on one product
and does on another in my mind does not acquit someone.

I voiced my opinion which included my own endorsement of Ross ---
sponsorship in and of its self gives a business the "inside edge" and
that's as it should be, whether it be in our monthly publication, our for
that matter a paid listing on the club web site if the club was so inclined
to accept that --- that's legitimate marketing. You make your investment
and take your chances. However, SELF -promotion is inappropriate for a list
of this nature.

I'm not going to waste any more of my time on this matter...
I expressed my opinion and feel no need what so ever to defend
it... I have more productive things to do.


Bill Rehm

Site exploitation???

Post by Bill Rehm » Mon Nov 17, 2003 1:32 pm

Happy to Ross, when everyone else removes there auto signatures
... Reread my messages Ross, I also gave you my personal
endorsement along with my views ...


lou Girardin

Site exploitation???

Post by lou Girardin » Mon Nov 17, 2003 1:38 pm

Hmmm! Rocks and glasshouses.

From Fri Apr 27 16:49:04 2007
content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: RE: Site exploitation???
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Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 12:02:38 +1100
Thread-Topic: Site exploitation???
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From: "Michael Van Zoggel" <>
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Ok, so as I understand it, the real point of contention here is the fact that
the information was available FOC from the club links / pages, and Ross
'promoted' his own business?

I don't see an issue with this, I'm living in Sydney at the moment and our
local supplier of stuff (MX5 Mania) also post replies to lists stating they
can get this part or that part - it's a valuable part of the service.

Unless you'd purchased the actual item before, read this list and are inclined
to send someone Ross' way, then how else would you know where to get the item?

Seems a little petty to be worried about, surely.

Cheers - Mike

Bill Rehm

Site exploitation???

Post by Bill Rehm » Mon Nov 17, 2003 2:19 pm

Won't dignify your "mate-type" statement with a response Lou


lou Girardin

Site exploitation???

Post by lou Girardin » Mon Nov 17, 2003 2:41 pm

I knew this would turn nasty, I don't know what mate - type means, but I was
amused by Ross's post. He is not a mate, if that's what you mean. Just a good
club member. This is my last post on the subject. I have better things to do,
like scratching my groin, Bye.


Site exploitation???

Post by darryl » Mon Nov 17, 2003 4:07 pm

Hmm this is interesting.
I do the exact same thing on many forums. If someone asks where they can get
something, if I can supply whats needed i will offer it.. I dont think
anyone has issues with this as I also partake in many other parts of the
forum. The way I see it, if its obvious that those in question arent only on
the list for the reason of promoting, if they partake in replying to topics
like everyoine else, then surely offering to supply something that someone
has asked for isnt out of the question?
I havent done this on this list myself as I dont sponsor the club as such
with financial input so refrane from doing so, but in this case I think it
is fine, like who else out there would carry this product (the fuse sticker)
other than the obvious place to try, MAZDA.


Site exploitation???

Post by Scott » Mon Nov 17, 2003 6:12 pm

I'm wondering if the situation would be different if people had posted
links ot the image (which is freely available) and THEN Ross having
posted his reply offering a sticker for purchase. I don't think it would
have been such an issue then really.

I think that in this case it is different because the person in question
was after information, and clearly stated that.

The whole thing is actually kind of funny because if you follow Ross's
link and look at the item, he's got a nice digital pictore of the
sticker which you can clearly see everything on, no need to purchase it
if you don't want to.

At the end of the day, sell your stuff in the for sale category and keep
to open discussion "free"


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Site exploitation???

Post by EricW » Mon Nov 17, 2003 7:30 pm

Surely we are all missing the point here. Peter asked, "Does anyone have a
diagram of the fuse box layout in English"

The correct answer, which Ross, a member of the club, a member of the list
and, incidentally, a sponsor of the club, was able to provide is "Yes, I can
supply you with one". What else would you expect him to say?

Does he sit on his hands and say nothing, hoping that one of us knows what
he has in stock, and will say so?

Does that do Peter any good? Of course not.

Ross' actions cannot, in any way, be defined as "Self Promotion" it was a
purely reactive response to a proper question from a list and club member
seeking assistance.

If Ross had sent an email saying something like "For all your requirements
visit site X" that would be self promotion and I would agree with Bill that
it is undesirable, but I, for one, hope that Ross will continue to let us
know what he has got when we need it, not least because it saves a lot of
time searching.

Perversely, the one guy who has won out of all this is Ross. We are all much
more aware of him than he could have paid money for. I don't mind that a

Now let's talk about something constructive



Bill Rehm

Site exploitation???

Post by Bill Rehm » Mon Nov 17, 2003 7:34 pm

well said


Bill Rehm

Site exploitation???

Post by Bill Rehm » Mon Nov 17, 2003 7:36 pm

Like I said, regardless of my perspective --- I endorsed Ross --- I concur and have already endorsed what Scott said.

Always willing to stimulate thinking --- or wind people up --- depending on your perspective ;-)


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Site exploitation???

Post by peter » Mon Nov 17, 2003 7:45 pm

and after all is said and done...

didn't need the damn picture/link/sticker anyway, found a loose wire!


MX5 Club E-Administrator

Site exploitation???

Post by MX5 Club E-Administrator » Mon Nov 17, 2003 9:31 pm

"dragon" <peter@> said:
and after all is said and done...
didn't need the damn picture/link/sticker anyway, found a loose wire!
Damn you for causing all that commotion Peter! Just watch what you post
next time please, or you'll be kicked off this list ;P

Actually, I have a little bit of blame here too, as I haven't had time to
fix the site search engine yet, and I'm sure if I had have, Peter would have
found that not only was there a link on the club site, but MX5 Mart sells
stickers too (Ross has mentioned it before, and the link has been posted

As for everyone else - enough said on the subject. We heard everyones
opinions (some more than once), and learnt some lessons. Carry on with MX5y
type questions please. We all have some good stuff to contribute.


Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand inc


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