poor driving

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2003
Grant Schou

poor driving

Post by Grant Schou » Tue Apr 29, 2003 2:48 pm

I have ridden bikes and have had a friend on a bike killed by a car crossing corner centerlines and also find that I am avoiding these idiots in my mx5 and what is worse, they are seemingly oblivious to their crap driving style. I had an incident the other day, when some #$%^ pulled out in front of me in their RAV4 at an intersection, then looked in his rear vision mirror, through a KFC box out the window, and then with no indication made a left turn. I certainly believe the "faster you go the bigger the mess" since kinetic energy is proportional to the square of your speed, however poor driving and inability to judge road conditions are the cause of most of these accidents. It is just a shame that alot of NZ drivers are halfwits and we have to be aware of that.


lou Girardin

poor driving

Post by lou Girardin » Tue Apr 29, 2003 3:11 pm

Too right! The other problem is, for the Police to detect these offences, they
are required to park and observe sections of road in order to issue a few $150
tickets each shift. Whereas, they can grab a Stalker radar or laser, go out
and write dozens of tickets up to $500 a pop.
Which do you think the powers that be prefer?


poor driving

Post by Blts » Tue Apr 29, 2003 5:19 pm

The unfortunate part of it all is they think they are above average drivers
and because they are driving something bigger than you they automatically
have right of way.

In Auckland it also appears that the more expensive the car;
1. the less the indicators work, and
2. they automatically have the right of way if their car is worth more than
yours (which doesn't work with me because I have a company car which only
obeys proper traffic laws. The number of times a $^%$ in a porsche or merc
has had to swerve out of the illegal lane change in rush hour he was
attempting because I wouldn't emergency brake to let them in is amazing!!)


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poor driving

Post by SLYDIT » Wed Apr 30, 2003 5:23 pm

The reason plodice use speed as the cure-all to our
problems is that they can say that you were X amount
over the speed you naughty person, and give you a fine
for that X amount. It is very hard to prove that
someone was being X amount of an inconsiderate moron
and fine them accordingly. It would also require more
paper work.(no time for that nonsense, there are cars
to confiscate and quotas to meet you know.)
Mx5ers love their cars, and to drive them and modify
them to thier liking. If we as a club(or clubs) dont
become more proactive in lobbying for our behalf, then
our enjoyment will be erroded. ( you never know...
there might be a bill in the pipework to ban convoy
driving)The AA is a joke and has become a lapdog for
the LTSA, but because there are so many members, they
get the govts ear. Most of its members are only there
for the breakdown service and not thier political
Up the revolution! ;)
Glenn "SLYDIT"

lou Girardin

poor driving

Post by lou Girardin » Thu May 01, 2003 8:29 am

There is already a bill dealing with convoy driving, it's the, so called, 'boy
racer' bill. If Plod considers that you are engaging in racing on public
roads, it's bye bye car.
Still, this is the NZ tradition, trample over peoples rights to gain some
political advantage by appealing to the great unread.


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