Any unused Buzzers in a Roadster?

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2001
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Any unused Buzzers in a Roadster?

Post by zorruno » Wed Jul 18, 2001 2:41 pm

I am putting a wee buzzer to remind me to turn my headlights off - are there
any existing noisemakers that exist and if so where?

I was thinking that there is probably an unused seatbelt reminderbuzzer in
my roadster, as the wires come from the belt, but it has obviously been
disconnected when imported.


Nigel Every

Any unused Buzzers in a Roadster?

Post by Nigel Every » Wed Jul 18, 2001 8:21 pm

I have purchased and fitted head light warning buzzer in three cars now.(after laeving
my spots on and having a very flat battery)
Bought them from Dick Smith when on special. Current price about $14 and take 5
minutes to fit to the ignition.
I placed the buzzer behind the panel by the interior light so it is out of sight.
Still gives off enogh noise to let you know what you have done.

regards Nigel

I am putting a wee buzzer to remind me to turn my headlights off - are there


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