Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2005
Bill Rehm

Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by Bill Rehm » Tue Jan 18, 2005 10:01 pm

After driving 7,533.5 kms (4,671 miles) in 19 days, I returned to
Auckland this afternoon. Complications included a possible rear
differential problem which was resolved and then a possible head gasket
problem which required my "jury rigging" the radiator fan to complete my
trip. This will need to be diagnosed - hopefully it isn't the head
gasket because that will be big $$$.

I will create a map that shows the extensive geography I covered which
had me visit all the places I hitch-hiked through in NZ over 5 months
exactly 10 years ago. Anyone interested in seeing the territory I
covered please let me know.

What an amazing experience this has been, something I've wanted to do
since I first visited NZ 10 years ago while still owning an MX5 in

This trip had me driving my MX5 with the top down, usually at speeds
between 120 - 170 kms/hour through the winding roads of both the North
(2,500 kms) and especially the South (5,000 kms) Island.

BTW, I am the infamous thermostat/over-heating problem person mentioned
by Ron earlier this week. More on that in a message tomorrow as it is
not simply a thermostat problem and I would appreciate some expert input
from the list to help diagnose my problem. But right now I need a good
night's rest in my own bed for the first time in 3 weeks!!!


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Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by poison » Tue Jan 18, 2005 10:46 pm

Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.Bill
If the head gasket is blown through to the radiator circuit then a garage can
put a little liquid filled device in place of the radiator cap, the liquid
changes colour with the presence of exhaust/fuel gasses.

On the point about driving round at 170km/hr in the busy summer season, well
done, it's good to see the speed kills advertising is getting through, do you
drink it's great to drink drive as well??

:twisted: Gazda in the white HOT Mazda :twisted:

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Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by Colin » Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:52 pm

Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.Hi Bill,
I would very much be interested in seeing the territory you covered.
Bet it was amazing.
021 869 231

Bill Rehm

Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by Bill Rehm » Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:45 am

Mr G
Regarding the head gasket matter, I was made aware of and am familiar
with the diagnostic option you described - regardless thanks for the

Regarding what I interpreted as a condescending other comment, permit me
to respond:

I learned how to drive a sports car in 1964 on the Bridgehampton race
circuit (I suspect you would not be familiar with it or its location).
I have since driven and owned a variety of sports cars including MGs,
Zs, RX7s, Porsches, and of course MX5s, with opportunities to also spend
two summers behind the wheel of Aston Martins (PS - note all are in the
plural). My MX5 was "prepped" for this journey including new tires and a
new suspension.

If I interpreted your comment correctly and you seriously question the
logic, rationality, and/or sanity of driving an MX5 at 170 kms/hr on
non-congested REAL roads in the SI and NI, then perhaps you should:

(a) become a hair-dresser, or

(b) simply recognize that just possibly there are people who can not
only "talk the talk", "write the talk on a email list", but also have
the driving competency AND balls to "walk the talk".


BTW, I did occasionally enjoy a bottle of Corona while cruising -
usually while under 130kms/hr. It's the only kind of beer I drink. Of
course no wedge of lime was in it, as that's not how cervesa is enjoyed
in Mexico (I've also spent a considerable amount of time in that
country). A wedge of lime in a Corona is nothing more than a marketing
gimick to make Kiwi's who drink it that way think they are "cool".

Colin Francis

Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by Colin Francis » Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:24 am

On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 00:45:38 +1300, you wrote:
If I interpreted your comment correctly and you seriously question the
logic, rationality, and/or sanity of driving an MX5 at 170 kms/hr on
non-congested REAL roads in the SI and NI, then perhaps you should:
If you drive at that speed in NZ then no one is going to doubt your insanity
(a) become a hair-dresser, or

(b) simply recognize that just possibly there are people who can not
only "talk the talk", "write the talk on a email list", but also have
the driving competency AND balls to "walk the talk".
Yeah. I bet you feel good about that. I can think of an ideal vanity plate for
you but modesty prevails.

Colin Francis

Colin Francis

Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by Colin Francis » Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:29 am

On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 00:45:38 +1300, you wrote:
BTW, I did occasionally enjoy a bottle of Corona while cruising -
usually while under 130kms/hr. It's the only kind of beer I drink. Of
course no wedge of lime was in it, as that's not how cervesa is enjoyed
in Mexico (I've also spent a considerable amount of time in that
country). A wedge of lime in a Corona is nothing more than a marketing
gimick to make Kiwi's who drink it that way think they are "cool".
How interesting . Presumably you were not stupid enough to be driving the car
whilst drinking and were a passenger at the time.

Colin Francis

Ian Chapman

Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by Ian Chapman » Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:00 am


Well done on a great road trip - my calculations show around 400km per
day average - that's great - you must have seen nearly all the country.

However, I need to say that personally I think your boasting (with I
sense, considerable bravado in your reply) of "usually at speeds between
120 - 170 kms/hour" is irresponsible.

I understand that anything said in an email is contractually (and
therefore legally) binding as a signed letter. I doubt anyone knows the
occupation of everyone on this list - the point being; there may be a
law enforcer that has just received a written statement of speeding and
drink driving (admittedly maybe not driving 'drunk' but certainly
consuming alcohol whilst driving) that you have signed with your name
and business details.

I appreciate you have driven some high performance cars on race tracks
in the past, however as you do 120-170km/hr on winding country roads,
just think about the skills, experience and vehicle of the person about
to come the other way around a corner, or the cow wandering on the empty
country road.

Just my view.


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Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by Badcat » Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:17 am

yep, i totally agree with ian.
bill, your email sig talks about "creating great places to work"
- but it appears in your time off you are enthusiastically making nz
roads just that little more lethal places to drive.
personally i don't give a rat's ass that you've driven on a track,
plenty of us have, and do.
if you want to drive that fast, save it for the track, where my family
are safe from your 'walking the talk", please.
am i being unreasonable in that request, bill?


On 19/01/2005, at 8:00 AM, Ian Chapman wrote:


Bill Rehm

Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by Bill Rehm » Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:36 am


I'd like to think so, but hey that would be bragging wouldn't it? -
something I believe is also illegal in NZ :-)

Will do, probably this weekend.


Alex Root-Reed

Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by Alex Root-Reed » Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:03 pm

Yep - I totally agree with Ian and Ken and I think most of the sane
automotive world.

Its all very well looking at your beloved car with the fantasy of turning
into the real life James Bond every time you start her up, (man with a mid
life crisis) but what they always leave out in the movies is the fact that
know one - not even you Bill, can drive quite like Mr. Bond. Bond only ever
has to contend with blown up bridges or tanks firing rockets at his Astin
Martin. Obviously, in reality, the hurdles are much more serious though not
quite as exciting - a family car for example, or as someone else said - a

Cows don't explode, but your MX5 will if you hit one at 170kph. I just got
my first 5 and have played with how fast it will go. Though I would not be
so unsmart as to profess such speeds as 170kph in open forum. Are you smart

Well, drive that 5 safely - and if you do wind it up to 170kph, please make
sure its in the south island only - 'cos I don't want to be anywhere near
you when you do.


PS - Please spare me the 'become a hairdresser' thing - I can't stand hair

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Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by poison » Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:09 pm

OH you are obviously a better driver than everyone else on
the road so I do appologise, if there were more drivers like
you we would obviously have no accidents or road deaths. Oh
how humbled I feel.

Just when you go round that next bend at 150km/hr and there
is some unforseen problem maybe on the road surface or
something, I hope it's not family in a car comming the other
way towards you.

Oh and also a big thankyou for pointing out to myself and
others that driving around at speeds of up to 170Km/hr makes
you feel "somewhat more of a man than if someone might
confuse you with a hairdresser"

And I also went to Mexico... but not sure of the

Good luck.


:twisted: Gazda in the white HOT Mazda :twisted:

Ross Bryon

Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by Ross Bryon » Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:51 pm

What a lot of adolescent pseudo-macho prat(tle)!

Ross Bryon
1991 BRG V-Spec Roadster


Keith Smith
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Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by Keith Smith » Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:54 pm

Perhaps this could create a new thread of emails about unexplained
(p)rattles in MX5s...
Keith Smith

On 19/01/2005, at 2:51 PM, Ross Bryon wrote:

nihil illigitimatae carborundum

Bill Rehm

Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by Bill Rehm » Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:10 pm

I will not dignify your comments with a response.
Feel free to ramble on boys...


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Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by Badcat » Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:44 pm

after your bragging about your speeding, racetrack prowess, mexican
holidays and balls, i seriously doubt anyone is looking for dignity
from you bill.
sorry to bust your bubble.

Bill Rehm

Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by Bill Rehm » Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:48 pm

Feel free to ramble on mate :)


Lyndon Pope

Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by Lyndon Pope » Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:52 pm

170Kmh on NZ roads, or , a bunch of people slagging one person off on an
email list. Hmm...I wonder, which is more offensive?

Colin Francis

Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by Colin Francis » Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:45 pm

On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 16:10:36 +1300, you wrote:
I will not dignify your comments with a response.
Feel free to ramble on boys...

Ah. The arrogance of the dominant race .

Colin Francis

Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by Colin Francis » Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:57 pm

On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 16:52:33 +1300, you wrote:
170Kmh on NZ roads, or , a bunch of people slagging one person off on an
email list. Hmm...I wonder, which is more offensive?

Nobody has ever been killed for posting to this list yet . Plenty have been
killed by idiots who speed .
Colin Francis

Lyndon Pope

Drive-about over/ over-heating problem.

Post by Lyndon Pope » Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:59 pm

You don't have to kill someone to be impolite and offensive.


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