Rain Water Leaks and Gearboxes

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2005

Rain Water Leaks and Gearboxes

Post by r.v.boxall » Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:40 pm

Thanks Jeff & Nigel. Checked the aerial last night, seems okay, so will now inspect the drain rail, and get the sealant out if necessary!

On the subject of "replacement Synchros", these are synchromesh cones or bands, one set for each gear. They are little brakes, that stop the gears from spinning until they mesh, as you change gear. that's why the gears crunch when they're worn. I once had the "pleasure" of replacing them in the gearbox of an Audi 100. The gearbox has to come out, and be taken apart. All the bits have to go back in the right place! It's not a job for anyone unsure of their ability as a mechanic, and you may need special tools. Now, I'd buy a secondhand box, or get someone else to do it. But, at least, the MX doesn't have the differential in its gearbox as well as the gears!

As a rule of thumb, if all the gears crunch, there's a clutch problem, but if it's one or two, it's the synchromesh cones/bands.

You can take more time with the gearchange, to avoid the crunch, but heck, it's a sports car, changing gear is part of the fun!
From: <nigel.e@xtra.co.nz>
Date: 2005/01/10 Mon AM 10:55:08 GMT+13:00
To: MX5List<mx5list@mx5club.org.nz>
Subject: Re: Rain Water Leaks

Hi Ron, an area that can cause the problem is the aerial which can work loose or the mounting crack. The water then works through onto the sping for the boot lid and then falls down into the well. Have a look at the aerial as it may just need tightening.
Regards Nigel
From: <r.v.boxall@xtra.co.nz>
Date: 2005/01/10 Mon AM 10:02:49 GMT+13:00
To: MX5List<mx5list@mx5club.org.nz>
Subject: Rain Water Leaks

Hi, all, change of subject please?

You helped sort out the water getting into the innards in the seating area, thank you all who proferred advice.

I've now got a puddle in the central well in the boot, and that seems to be the only wet place in there! I can't see where it could come from to get to only there. Are there any other tricky little drains from the hood that can get into the boot without making all of it wet? Can water get from the hood drain rail into the boot? It's a kind of difficult place to inspect. Is there any kind of generic problem with the boot lid seal rubbers? Any ideas? Should I get the hose out?

We managed to get a run out on Saturday with the hood down, out on the country lanes on the side of the mountain, between Inglewood and New Plymouth. Had a lovely potter, listening to the birds, and getting the farmyard smells! Very nice change from recent weather!

Ron Boxall
My experience too! Eric


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