Club Forum

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2001

Club Forum

Post by darryl » Mon Jan 22, 2001 11:01 pm

I see that you are looking into a club forum. I highly recomend this. Visit and checkout their forum. It is an awesome way to
ask questions, tell stories etc and above all the layout is easy to understand
and work through. This club is quickly becoming one of the biggest car clubs
in NZ in only their first complete year, and was formed through the internet
and this is their main means of comunication. I believe that the MX-5 club is
one of the largest at the moment for financial membership, is this right? I
did hear that NZ had the largest ownership of MX-5's per head of population
than any other country in the world. I think it was about 1 in every 700
Darryl Curran
Bitch'n Performance


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