Alarm systems & the boot

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2001
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Why yes, actually I do run this site.
Posts: 129
Joined: Mon May 01, 2006 5:19 pm

Alarm systems & the boot

Post by simple » Mon Sep 17, 2001 10:58 am

Slightly tangential to the topic, but I suggest that if you have the option
when you install an alarm, a remote boot release is a truly useful thing to
have on our cars. I never leave anything of value visible in the car
interior when I'm away from the car & so am always popping the boot - the
remote release is really nice to have.

At the same time as the alarm install, I wired in a boot light to the same
switch that the alarm detects boot opening with. The light is fitted in
the same cavity as the high-stop light. It shines a bit too much of its
light on the inside of the boot lid instead of inside the boot, but it's
still really handy when camping, or just doing anything in the boot at
night. Most importantly, it didn't cost me any useful boot space - no-one
stores things in the stop-light cavity do they? :-) One day soon I'll
take pictures of the installation & document it somewhere online...



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