Some observations.

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2001
Matt Gunn

Some observations.

Post by Matt Gunn » Thu Jun 14, 2001 10:01 pm

Hi there


This all sounds very interesting.
Wondering how the paint will go on the areas that fold , in the future ??
How long have you had it on the roof ? and are their any signs of it
cracking , lifting , peeling whatever ??

A nice black roof looks much sharper so it seems like a cheap touch-up.


I have been told that if I start to calculate fastest times for my electric
windows that my car will be blown up . So I'll stay clear of that .

However I am looking to increase the size of the motors on my wiper blades.
They seem to be slow compared to the speed of the rewind on my stereo. I'm
also looking to improve the reaction times of my petrol cap opener. There
seems to be a 1000th of a second delay between when I flick the in-car auto
opener , and when it actually reaches its maximum opening point.

any suggestions ???

have a great week


At 08:20 pm 17/06/2001 +1200, you wrote:

See my 5 and raise you.
See my 5 and raise you.
Posts: 68
Joined: Sun Nov 12, 2006 4:52 pm
Location: South Auckland

Some observations.

Post by VIKING RACING » Sun Jun 17, 2001 11:47 am

Hi everyone
I am between jobs and had a couple of days over, so I decided to do something
I have put off doing for a nearly a Year.
I always wanted a tighter fit in the seat as it was, it felt like sitting on a
football, no support sideways(maybe I4m to fat)at the same time I would like
to get a little better legroom. to achieve this I needed to cut out foam from
the seat.
Here are some observation I made during the modifications.

1:When I removed the seats, I noticed to my horror the sheetmtl parts building
the seats where unprotected no rustprotection at all. So for you guys who have
planned to pass on your MX5 to children/grandchildren, spend about a hour to
get the seats out and rustproof the sheetmtl.It will save them the hassle in
the future.(ERIK has to wait 14 more Years before he can drive his Miata)

2:Cutting the foam, what a nightmare, tried all kitchen knives, hacksaw blade
but it just turned out to shit. And in the final hour of despair I remembered
that we have an electric kitchen knife that we usually only use for the ham at
Christmas time.
Using this, it was like cutting butter with a warm knife.

3:The seats was really faded from 10 years in the NZ sun, I had read that in
USA they recover the seat using die in a
I have tried for sometime to find this product, asking upholsters,
autosuppliers but no one have heard about it here in NZ they just suggested to
Re-upholstere the seats
to a cost of $!!! but finally I found it here, it is called Plasti-Kote ULTRA
FABRIC COLOR ... ltrafabric
and the importer is in Christchurch, so it was only to go in to the local
Guthrie Bowron shop(how do they spell their name) to order it, and for $15,95
I have now a pair of seats locking pretty good again.

4:The result of removing some of the foam from the seat
I have now a really good sideways support from the seat and more legroom. So
spending a day doing this was really worthwhile.
Anyone want to do similar thing just send me mail and I can explain more in
detail what I did.(have a test sit-in at the AGM) Mine is the SmurfBlue with
WIIIDE stripes.
John VIKING Johansson
Koni . Eibach , MazdaSpeed roll bar, Jackson Racing Chassi Braces, ENKEI blingwheels :), TURBO+go fast stripes

Gary Morrison
Need, more, 5-ing, time....
Need, more, 5-ing, time....
Posts: 100
Joined: Sun Jun 04, 2006 3:24 pm
Location: Wellington

Some observations.

Post by Gary Morrison » Sun Jun 17, 2001 7:56 pm

Great info! I had planned to do just this - for extra legroom! And the dye, I
was going to go looking for that too, now you have answered the questions I
would have had to ask. How good is the colour once the seats have been
resprayed?? And what sort of rustproofing did you do?


John Warren

Some observations.

Post by John Warren » Sun Jun 17, 2001 8:20 pm

Some more info - I used a similar spray (I think another of the Plasti-Cote
range) on my then 91's vinyl roof. It had got a bit shabby, and I had had to
patch it with a polyurethane glue at a few points where it had worn and I
could see out through it! The spray did an excellent job of renewing the
deep black, and matching in my patched areas.


See my 5 and raise you.
See my 5 and raise you.
Posts: 68
Joined: Sun Nov 12, 2006 4:52 pm
Location: South Auckland

Some observations.

Post by VIKING RACING » Mon Jun 18, 2001 9:03 pm

Hi again
Well for the rustproofing I used A spraycan I bought at HAMMER hardware, sorry
can is gone so I can4t tell you the name, but It was easy to use. Just use a
wire brush to get off the lose rust and then spray, used it on the wheelbarrow
last year and no rust have come back yet.
After spraying the seats with the FABRIC COLOR the fabric felt a little
But after a couple of days it feels as before(maybe I painted to thick
layers), the colour really matching the floor carpet, it will be interesting
to see how long it will last.
Well I should do a write up for the website, but unfortunatly i did not use
the camera to get some pics to explain (it was most try and Error). Maybe I
should do a trip down to you Gary when spring has arrived. It is always easier
to do it the 2nd time.
Koni . Eibach , MazdaSpeed roll bar, Jackson Racing Chassi Braces, ENKEI blingwheels :), TURBO+go fast stripes


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