Re : re gymkhana

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2001
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Re : re gymkhana

Post by peter » Fri Mar 23, 2001 1:40 pm

A gymkhana / motorkhana is a course laid out on tarmac or grass, normally involving driving at speed around traffic
cones following a specific course, while being timed.
The grass gymkhana in Clyde had 4 different courses :
1/ a dozen or so cones that you drove past first on the left, then the right, and so on .
2/ "Ever Decreasing Circles" : 5 cones in a row : you drove to the 5th, went round it, came back, drove to the 4th,
went round it, came back, and so on.
3/ Blind Navigator : Through the 5 cones in a zig-zag pattern, while wearing a blindfold, and following your
passenger's instructions. ( I won this one!)
4/ Potato Drop : Navigate around cones, passing buckets, dropping potatoes into the buckets. At speed.

I don't know anything about the Auckland Car Club course(s) except they'll be more competitive than a pure club event,
and Brett tells me no helmets are required.


( If anybody wants zorruno's address for the next tarmac gymkhana? drop me a line and I'll send you a map of his


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