LIST MAIL LOOPS.... Will be fixed as soon as I can...

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2003
Mazda MX5 Club of NZ E...

LIST MAIL LOOPS.... Will be fixed as soon as I can...

Post by Mazda MX5 Club of NZ E... » Fri Oct 31, 2003 3:32 pm

Hi all, as you know there are has been a problem of looped/repeated
emails in the last couple of days. Some people will have seen the
loops, others will have mail servers that protect them from identical
looped mail so they won't have known much different.

I haven't had time to find the cause as yet, but will try over the
weekend. My 'real job'(tm) takes priority, and I'm a bit busy this week.
It is likely that one list subscriber is unintentionally causing the
resends, but it will take a bit of investigation.

In the meantime, I've blocked the list from resending emails to give
you a well deserved break and time to go for a drive in the sun.

There are plans also to upgrade the list to something easier to manage
and to allow sharing some of the management responsibility, but that
also will take time. Apart from the odd spam leaking through,
one or two over eager list posters in the past, and this one loop
problem, I think we've had a pretty stable list over the past 3 and
a bit years. We may move to a 'post only if you are subscribed'
model soon, as this should limit the possibility of leaked spam
a lot more.

You'll be able to see which emails have come through by having a look
at the archives (loops are not shown). I doubt I'll get time to
forward all the email sent after the loop occurred, there are about 10 or so replies, so you'll have to just send again if you mail didn't

Archives are here ... ives/2003/

Oh, and you won't be able to reply to this email, but feel free to
email me if you have any questions.

Thanks for your patience. Have a good (top down) weekend!

E-Administrator & Vice President
Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand inc


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