Why we should hate our police force

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Gary Morrison
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Why we should hate our police force

Post by Gary Morrison » Tue May 13, 2003 4:04 pm


Gee, their PR section is out on the road building their image.

lou Girardin

Why we should hate our police force

Post by lou Girardin » Wed May 14, 2003 3:27 pm

He's not a cash register, he's a low son of a bitch.


Why we should hate our police force

Post by Scott » Wed May 14, 2003 4:55 pm

Personally I have no problems with this. It was a 50km area and from
what the article states, he was only targeting people doing 61km/h +. At
least he was being lenient giving people the "unwritten 10km/h over the
ACTUAL speed limit rule". I've been in cars where cops were doing
anything THE ABSOLUTE speed limit.


Why we should hate our police force

Post by darryl » Wed May 14, 2003 5:32 pm

This is true scott, but I think the issue is the cop wasn't exactly saving
lives or solving crime is he?
If I remember correctly, to be a crime, there must be a victom, who is the
victom or speeding?
like owning a gun, there is possibility of danger, but that doesn't stop
people from owning guns. Until the danger happens, there is no victom.

Basically there are more important things for a cop tp be doing than standing
on the side of the road playing with his gun.


Why we should hate our police force

Post by Scott » Wed May 14, 2003 6:06 pm

With speed fines, it's the POTENTIAL victim that's at risk.
Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of better things cops can be doing
but the public know better. We all know the risks of speeding. The speed
limits are set at levels based on statistics (crashes etc).

You need a licence for a gun.
If you fire off a gun in a public place, you will be arrested.

You need a licence for a car.
If you speed in your car and put your life and the lives of others at
risk, you will be fined.

Now if that same cop were to try and fine me and green sticker my car
for having a loud exhaust, then I'd be feeling quite different. ;-)

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Why we should hate our police force

Post by biff » Wed May 14, 2003 6:15 pm

I guess there was absolutly no crime that day, or the preceeding?
I had a similar experience in Dorkland, I was broken into, called the police,
and was told "dont touch anything", can you come down to the station, we cant
have anyone there untill Wednesday, and this was Monday morning.
Why said I???
We dont have any staff, and those that we do have are already flat out.
Later that morning going to work, just before the motorway, 12 cops, 3 cars
and the booze wagon, stopping everyone, I was asked if I had been drinking
(9.45am), as he was checking my rego and warrant, happy I was legal, he sent
me on my way.
They didnt give a toss that I had been burgled, in my own home, while I slept,
shit, there's money to be made!
Since that day as far as I'm concerned the cops are simply the biggest gang in
town with the most resource, screw them.
Now we have the media and the police saying that $10,000 worth of tickets was
to show the team it could be done, oops, PR fopar, its a crackdown on all
those lawless motorists.
So who will win next week, PC Bloggs, with 11,000, but to achieve this he
stuck to 50k, the week after PC Dolittle, hell he got 13,000, but at 48.5k,
well its close enough, and there was a record to be won!
And if its a bit tuff to beat that one, hell I'll stop every car and just slap
a green sticker on it, $150.00 a pop, I dont have to justify it, produce any
evidence whatsoever, its a matter of opinion, the polititions will support me,
the press will love me, and I'll have the new all time record, what could be
Welcome to the new and improved NZ


Why we should hate our police force

Post by darryl » Wed May 14, 2003 7:25 pm

Good points Scott, and B, well said and spott on


Why we should hate our police force

Post by Scott » Wed May 14, 2003 8:42 pm

Yea I agree with B as well. Laws are put there in place to protect us
but if the police can't protect us on AND off the road then what's the


Why we should hate our police force

Post by tim.maggie » Wed May 14, 2003 10:13 pm

The real cops must rue the day that all those jack booted police wannabees
from the MoT were transfered in for a political numbers game - heh look ,
we've upped police numbers!

They seriously polluted the ranks. So now that the low-lifes in Welly need
every bit of dosh to buy the next election the re-uniformed ex-MoT money
extorting pricks have seriously come to the fore. No wonder the real cops who
could actually solve real crimes are leaving in droves.

These total prats had a field day here in Chch last tues week fining those
who did a u-ee over the grass medium strip on the motorway. (we're talking
pissy little chch joke motorway here - bugger all traffic coming out of town -
hardly a LA freeway) Their mates from transit or whatever closed the inbound
lanes at 7am to do 'bridge repairs' and caused utter caos. Did these retards
try and alleviate the situation with a bit of traffic control? No - they dont
have the initiative or the know how - and besides there was money to be
grabbed. These half witted excuses for 'police' should be the ones facing the
fines for total plodding incompetence.


lou Girardin

Why we should hate our police force

Post by lou Girardin » Thu May 15, 2003 8:39 am

Unfortunately Tim, most a\of the jack-booted wannabees from the MOT are not in
the Highway patrol. And as an ex-wannabee I'm damn sure we were more realistic
and reasonable than the Robotic traffic Nazis we now deal with.
Only a couple of cops on the Motorway unit wrote tickets for less than 20km/h
over when I was there. This new policy is less than a year old, and it's
driven by Police headquarters in an attempt to secure there Govt funding.
As for Scott's comment about speed limits being arrived at scientifically. In
the words of Tui, yeah right!.
The accident rate was far higher when the limit was 80 km/h, yet they
arbitrarily raised it to 100 and accidents went down. Speed is never the sole
reason for accidents, studies have shown that it's well down the list. If it
were there would be a lot of dead cops including me.

Bill Rehm

Why we should hate our police force

Post by Bill Rehm » Thu May 15, 2003 8:59 am

Been reading some of these comments on the above subject and I would
suggest that hating them or for that matter making disparaging remarks
about them isn't the solution. Only way to change this (and it will take
time) is as voters we exercise are voting rights to ensure:

* the police are adequately funded because there are sure as hell not
enough of them
* their knowledge, skills and value systems (i.e. attitudes in many
situations) are upgraded because they are sure as hell incompetent in many

Let me qualify this by saying that it most certainly is not EVERY police
person that requires #2, but does apply to too many that I have come across
in my 7 years of living here.

lou Girardin

Why we should hate our police force

Post by lou Girardin » Thu May 15, 2003 3:22 pm

Nice sentiments Bill, but while you can see between 6 and 10 cops on the roads
in Marlborough and not get one to a burglary in Auckland, I think we have
plenty of cops.


Why we should hate our police force

Post by Scott » Thu May 15, 2003 5:02 pm

Debating aside, the speed limit is a law, you break it, you pay the
consequences. When you speed you know EXACTLY what the consequences are
and if you're not prepared to pay the fines, boo hoo.

The fact that it's all for government funding etc is a moot point. If
you don't want to help them, DON'T SPEED. It doesn't get much simpler.

Bill Rehm

Why we should hate our police force

Post by Bill Rehm » Thu May 15, 2003 6:49 pm

Mate I'd have to agree with you on that one, that's pathetic!

I won't waste everyone's time on my detailed story but simply say I
provided police with the names and business address of three blokes from a
moving company that stole my wife's ring out of her jewellery box while
they were moving furniture into our home.

The police's response when we filed the report: it's only worth 5K, we are
too busy to work on a 5K loss burglary like that!

I'd like to see George Hawkins say that to my wife --- she's small in frame
and height but I bet she would probably knock him on his ass!


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