Fly Buys

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2006
See my 5 and raise you.
See my 5 and raise you.
Posts: 95
Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 7:07 pm
Location: Whangaparaoa

Fly Buys

Post by EricW » Tue May 02, 2006 5:21 pm

Whilst Bill has his own unique way of expressing things, he has been good
enough to forward to me the letter he received from Shell, and I can see what
got his dander up.

At a time when, despite what they tell us, oil companies are making record
profits, the proposal is that, rather than get a point per $20, you get a
point per 20 litres. At the present price of 95, thats about a 45% reduction
in the number of points, which was parsimonious anyway, and the percentage
reduction will get worse as the price increases.

I guess that from the oil company point of view they were giving away more
points as the price went up, for less fuel sold, but what offends me is that
their "spin doctors" must think we are stupid, trying to sell this as an
improvement to the scheme.

My attitude is that once you make a deal, you stick to it unless there is a
damned good reason not to, then you explain it honestly.


Bill Rehm

Fly Buys

Post by Bill Rehm » Tue May 02, 2006 7:11 pm

Thanks Eric. I would be happy to provide, unless you would like to, the
email address for the person at Shell who a public opinion of their new
plan, can be sent to.

What a list member failed to take into consideration, when he earlier
offered a short-sighted response involving what I'll call the "gas tax
affair" is this:
* A government ministry and the party that leads it at any one
time, at best considers the public views every 3 years, and depends on
voter apathy to sustain their position of power
* A company owned by shareholders on the other hand, is more
vulnerable to public opinion and anything that might result in having a
negative impact of their potential to earn a profit

Consequently, group actions against companies tend to have a far better
'rate of success' than those against government ministries, unless of
course it involves blatant corruption . or micro-chipping a farmer's
mutt! :-)


Bill Rehm

Fly Buys

Post by Bill Rehm » Tue May 02, 2006 7:11 pm

Thanks Eric. I would be happy to provide, unless you would like to, the
email address for the person at Shell who a public opinion of their new
plan, can be sent to.

What a list member failed to take into consideration, when he earlier
offered a short-sighted response involving what I'll call the "gas tax
affair" is this:
* A government ministry and the party that leads it at any one
time, at best considers the public views every 3 years, and depends on
voter apathy to sustain their position of power
* A company owned by shareholders on the other hand, is more
vulnerable to public opinion and anything that might result in having a
negative impact of their potential to earn a profit

Consequently, group actions against companies tend to have a far better
'rate of success' than those against government ministries, unless of
course it involves blatant corruption . or micro-chipping a farmer's
mutt! :-)



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