re[2]: A total waste!!

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2003

re[2]: A total waste!!

Post by Mathew » Tue Aug 05, 2003 4:32 pm

Apparently it caused a bit of a ruckus, as someone at the yard, lets call him salesman A (the person who you spoke to?), refused to sell them. The guy I know went back another day, and spoke to salesman B, who agreed to the deal. The swap was done before salesman A found out about it. Apparently he wasn't too happy when he found out. Being the sh*t stirrer I am I wandered past the lot a few days later and gave the car a look over. The saleman came over and I said to him "shame about these cheap wheels, It was much better looking with that other set". He wasn't too impressed :)



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